This is wearing me out pretty good right now.
This is all I have wanted to blog about, but haven't wanted to jinx myself. I'm still not out of the danger zone (have an appointment in a few weeks), but I just can't keep it in anymore.
So, here is my legitimate excuse for my absence.

Estimated due date - May 31, 2007. And only 6 months of trying and 3 rounds of fertility drugs this time!
I was starting to wonder, and I didn't even know for sure that you were trying. It sure does put a cramp on blogging. I can't imagine teaching all day, too.
Congratulations! That is the best excuse ever. Sorry I gave you a hard time. Yeek.
Congratulations, Rachelle...
I'm so happy for you..
Maybe you'd like to read some pregnancy posts over my blog? ;)
Enjoy your pregnancy!
Congrats! That's awesome.
Hooray for you! That's great news; congratulations!
CONGRATS!!!! How incredibly exciting!!!!
I'm due about a month before you April 27. (though my circumstances are a bit different so you probably don't want to read about them.)
Good luck to you!!!
A BIG congratulations!
Congrats and may God bless you with an easy pregnancy!
Oh, and shoot for May 3rd. I hear all the greatest people have THAT birthday. :)
HUGE Congratualtions! I'm so happy for you!
here from the daring one - congratulations!!
wow, thats a fun test to be positive on. yeah!!! congrats!
I'm seriously giddy for you! Plus, you make cute babies!
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. You absolutely need to spend every free minute you have resting - so no blogging guilt is allowed.
Oh, congratulations as well, Rachelle! I am so happy for you and your family!
That is so awesome!!! I'm so happy for you. We can be pregnant together for awhile :-)
Woo-hoo!! Congratulations, Rachelle! I'm so happy for you. And definitely a legitimate excuse! I've missed reading your stuff, but I understand!
Rachelle, I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! :)
COngrat's-- really & truly. I wish you nothing but a wonderful and healthy pregnancy...
I found your blog via DYM. Congrats on the new addition to the family!! Though I don't know about submitting another little soul to the "armpit of Utah..." :-)
That is so wonderful. I will keep you in my prayers for a very uneventful and smooth pregnancy! I too have not been blogging very much but really have no reason not to. Your reason is marvelous.:)
yay! Rachelle, that's awesome. Welcome to the club! I hope you are feeling ok. So exciting!
CONGRADS CONGRADS CONGRADS!!!! So happy for you! What a miracle!
Congratulations! May you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby in due course. :)
(Here from DYM too.)
Congratulations, prayers and best wishes for all! ^_^
Congratulations, and you are due on my birthday! I hope your bean is treating you better than my bean is treating me. :)
And you have a TOTALLY legitimate excuse to be behind on the blogging. Totally.
SUPER YAY!!! Feel better soon!!!
congrats again and again! you are missed, but we understand!
Wow. Congratulations!
woo hoo!!!!! Congrats!
rachelle!!!! WOOOHOOO!! SOOO happy for you and your family!! So happy I can't use ENOUGH CAPS AND EXCLAIMATION POINTS!! hehe.
Feel good soon!
yay yay yay!!
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! Congratulations!! I am so excited for you!! We will be crossing our fingers for the next few weeks!!
Heheeh i'm so glad you finally announced it! I've known for WEEKS!
(your pregnancy buddy)
Oh my heavens. I'm so happy for you. Yay, Yay, YAY!
HOW AWESOME!!! I'm so excited for you!!!
Congratulations!! Thats fantastic!
Holy cow!!! That's AWESOME!!! And I agree w/ make freakin cute babies!
Ah yes ... such magic!
I just learned this past weekend that we are expecting a child in June of 2007. This is a true miracle baby ... conceived naturally after 12 years and tens of thousands of dollars on fertility treatments.
This miracle baby - our 4th, will have 3 older siblings, our 2 year old triplets.
Four babies in two and a half years. It's too bad I can't drink because I really need one.
Fabulous news. I'm thrilled for you! Rest and take care. Write only if you feel like it!
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